Board members

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Joyce Browne - Chair

Joyce Browne is an Assistant Professor/Researcher at UMC Utrecht. Her activities focus on global health, reducing health disparities (health equity), and safe pregnancy (maternal health). Her research primarily takes place in Ghana. She co-founded the Dutch Global Health Film Festival and, in addition to being the chair of the KCGH board, she is a member of the Supervisory Board of Simavi.

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Jaco Verweij - Secretary

Jaco obtained his PhD from Leiden University on "Molecular tools in the diagnosis of intestinal parasitic infections." His main areas of interest include infectious diseases, intestinal parasites, soil-transmitted helminths, Strongyloides, (molecular) diagnostics, epidemiology, co-infection, zoonotic infections, capacity building, technology transfer, and education.

For over 20 years, Jaco has been working in the Parasitology department of Leiden University Medical Center, focusing on the development, validation, and implementation of new diagnostic tools, particularly molecular methods. He has a passion for teaching and is a strong advocate for technology transfer and capacity building in countries most affected by parasitic diseases.

Since 2012, he also holds a position as a medical molecular microbiologist and parasitologist at the Laboratory for Medical Microbiology and Immunology of the Elisabeth Hospital in Tilburg. He is a member of the Strategic Committee and the Scientific Committee.

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Remko Schats - Treasurer

Remko Schats, is a medical doctor with a strong commitment to Global Health. Through his international missions, he has demonstrated versatility and a drive to make a difference to the world. Over the last years he served several board positions in Global Health and accomplished a PhD in malaria vaccine research. He recently finished an executive MBA at Erasmus University and has the position of treasurer in both the KCGH and the NvTG.

Currently, he is launching Enigma Global e-Health, an innovative platform connecting doctors, patients and health institutions. Additionally, he delivers impactful leadership lectures and workshops, inspiring others to excel in their own endeavours.

Learn more about his biography on his website:

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Mariƫlle Bemelmans - General board member

Global Health professional (PhD, MPH) with over 25 years of experience in management and advisory in policy and advocacy with a focus in the past 20 years on Human Resources for Health (HRH), health systems, health financing, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), and HIV/AIDS. She holds a firm belief in and commitment to global health justice.

Overseas experience includes the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe.

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Ankie van den Broek - General board member

Immediately after completing her medical degree, Ankie van den Broek pursued the "Tropenopleiding" (Tropical Medicine Training) and later the ICHD in Antwerp. She worked for 12 years in Angola (Medisch Comité Angola), Tanzania (Memisa), and Zambia (DGIS), always at the intersection of curative healthcare and public/community health.

After returning to the Netherlands, she first worked at MCS and IC Consult (providing advice to a group of NGOs including ICCO and Cordaid and their partners in Low-Income Countries), and later at KIT in Amsterdam. Currently a self-employed professional at Global Health Advies.

She has always been involved with the NVTG (GEO) and once served as chair of the GEO and the association. Access to healthcare for everyone in the Netherlands is of great importance, as well as connecting with those who do experience barriers. This is why she is actively involved as a volunteer doctor at the Kruispost in Amsterdam and currently on the Zorgbus of Doctors of the World.


In the KCGH board, Ankie represents the SOIGT.


Eelco Jacobs - General board member

Eelco Jacobs, MSc, PhD, is a health systems governance, policy-making, and financing specialist with over 15 years of experience in international development. He’s worked in the areas of monitoring and evaluation, qualitative and mixed methods research, capacity development, program development, and management.

As a senior advisor in the Health Systems Strengthening team he chairs KIT’s Centre for Health Systems in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings, and is a regular lecturer and tutor in KIT’s courses ‘Analysing Disrupted Health Systems’, ‘Strengthening Disrupted Health Systems’, and the Masters in Public Health program, coordinating the course on health policy and financing.

Eelco holds a PhD in the political economy of health systems governance and financing from the University of Basel, Switzerland, and an MSc in Political Economy and Sociology from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London, UK.

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Seriana van den Berg - SDG3 alliantie coordinator

Seriana van den Berg is opgeleid als arts en medisch antropoloog. Voor Dokters van de Wereld heeft zij de nationale programma’s in Nederland opgezet en gewerkt in Sudan, Pakistan, West Papua, Suriname en Mayotte. 

Na het behalen van een Master of Public Health aan Columbia University in NYC werkte zij 10 jaar als gezondheidsdeskundige en WHO focalpoint bij de ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken en VWS en als health attache in Geneve. 
Nu werkt zij als zelfstandig adviseur op het gebied van gezondheid en als praktijkondersteuner krachtige basiszorg in een huisartsenpraktijk in Amsterdam Noord. Binnen het bestuur heeft zij de portefeuille SDG3 alliantie coordinator. 


Kenniscentrum Global Health (KCGH)
Arthur van Schendelstraat 650
3511 MJ Utrecht

KVK 78717590


The KCGH (Knowledge Centre for Global Health) was established by the NVTG (Netherlands Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health) and the OIGT (Organization for International Health Cooperation) to make global health knowledge accessible and usable for the Dutch healthcare sector. KCGH is subsidised by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport.

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